The Southdown gym was hopping with physical activity during the school's Math Night.

Southdown’s Math Night Full of Fun and Challenges

The Southdown gym was hopping with physical activity during the school's Math Night.

October 24, 2019

There’s no fear of mathematics at Southdown Primary School, where students look at the academic discipline as a fun challenge. Sure there is a lot to learn and remember, but the youngsters have never backed down from a tough assignment.

“It is always a pleasure organizing Math Night,” said second grade teacher Valerie Murray, who coordinated the evening along with math teacher Alyssa Scudieri. “We love being able to promote math outside of the classroom. Math Night is a great opportunity to have both the students and the parents involved and engaged in hands-on math problem solving activities.”

Southdown Principal Scott Oshrin loves evening academic events that bring students, parents and teachers together. Families turning out received resources and math manipulatives to use and promote mathematical learning at home.

A “makerspace” station was added to the event this year for every grade level. “The students love experimenting and building in our school makerspace,” Ms. Scudieri said. “So we thought it would be a great addition to Southdown’s Math Night. Aside from STEM activities in the makerspace, families also participated in ‘math and movement’ session in the gym, as well as different math stations run by classroom teachers. The activities consisted of number sense, measurement, geometry and much more.”

Southdown teachers Carlene Cournane, Ariela Handler, Dana Hartough, Meghan Kenny, Sarah Macaluso, Dimaris Ortega, Denise Reinesch, Melody Renick, John Romano, Ivonne Rubio, Pamela Schwarting, Shelley Stockner, Cindy Tietjen, Yanira Ventura, Lauren Wesnofske and Stephanie Winzer all pitched in to make the evening a success.

“We would like to thank all of the Southdown volunteers who help make the night so successful for our students,” Ms. Murray said. “We would also like to thank Mr. Oshrin for making this night possible for our students.” 

Southdown School's Math Night featured plenty of parents and excited kids
Southdown School's Math Night featured plenty of parents and excited kids
Southdown School's Math Night featured plenty of parents and excited kids
Southdown School's Math Night featured plenty of parents and excited kids