Principal Michelle Richards with October's Washington Ways Award recipients

Awards Never Grow Old at Washington School

Principal Michelle Richards with October's Washington Ways Award recipients.

November 8, 2019

Some things never seem to grow old for students at Washington Primary School. Being honored with an award is something the youngsters can never get enough of. So the most recent Washington Ways Award ceremony was a joyous occasion for the recipients.

Principal Michelle Richards presented the honors to a group of children who really made a positive impression throughout the month of October. Dr. Richard distributed certificates and then assembled the youngsters for a photo.

The honorees include Zuri Greene, MaryLeah Martinez Mejia, Olivia Patane, Charlotte LaMendola, William Guandique Saravia, Nova Camarata, Matthew Alfaro, Avery Brown, Jael Fuentes, Marc Rosendo, Marthe Plaisimond, Constance Bublin, Amelia Brown, Amber Murtaza, Aylin Gomez Chileno, Matthew Cruz Perdomo and Dana Gonzales.

“These wonderful children have been doing a very nice job in their classrooms, working exceptionally hard and demonstrating respect and responsibility all around the building,” Dr. Richards said.

The entire classes of teachers Mary Grever, Peri Alfano and Melissa Mazzalonga were also recognized for their collective efforts.

Here’s how the Washington Ways program works:

White tickets are awarded weekly for good behaviors and actions in the classroom. White ticket winners are honored with special recognition in their classroom at the end of each week and their names are announced every Monday morning.

Red tickets are presented to individuals for notable good behavior outside of classrooms, including in hallways, buses, the playground and cafeteria, etc. At the end of the month, the student in each class with the greatest number of red tickets is recognized with a special certificate.

Entire classes can earn blue tickets for positive group behavior out-of-the-classroom. Blue tickets are also awarded to the two classes within the building with the most tickets overall.