Huntington students helped sort and organize thousands of items donated to Project TOY.

H-ton Class Assists Project TOY Initiative

Huntington students helped sort and organize thousands of items donated to Project TOY.

December 20, 2019

Huntington High School teacher Kelly Trites wanted to get her students involved in a community service activity for the holidays so the group collaborated with a local hockey team to help make the Tri-CYA/Family Service League’s Project TOY a success.

Project TOY (Treasures Our Youth) gives parents of struggling families an opportunity to choose two new unwrapped gifts for their children. The annual holiday boutique at the Tri-CYA facility is a time of utter joy for parents, who are excited to be able to provide their children with toys that they otherwise couldn’t afford.

The Long Island Rebels U13 hockey team collected countless toys and electronic gadgets for the initiative. The items covered a wide range of age groups. The connection between the team and Mrs. Trites comes through her son, who plays on the squad.

“My students helped organize and unload toys for over 1,000 families over two days,” Mrs. Trites said. “They will continue to volunteer throughout the year and encourage others to do the same to help others as well as utilizing Tri-CYA programs that are available.”

The students and their teacher were greeted by Tri-CYA Director Debbie Rimler, “who took time out of her busy day to give us a tour of the facility and programs available,” Mrs. Trites said. “She then led us to two rooms busting at the seams with toys and holiday joy for families in need.”

Hundreds of families rely on Project TOY to help them provide a happy holiday for their sons and daughters. The need have never been greater.

“I am amazed at the generosity of the Huntington community and the work ethic of the students at Huntington High School,” Ms. Trites said. “The amount of toys donated was absolutely overwhelming.”

The Huntington students knew they were doing something valuable. “I loved sorting the toys because I know that it is helping others and the community for the holidays,” student Rashiem Sexton said. 

Huntington students helped sort and organize thousands of items donated to Project TOY.
An incredible array of toys and electronics were donated to Project TOY
Tri-CYA and the Family Service League thanked the Huntington High School students for helping.
Tri-CYA and the Family Service League thanked the Huntington High School students for helping.