Italian Honor Society members pitched the language to STEM sixth graders

World Language Studies Pitched to STEM Students

Italian Honor Society members pitched the language to STEM sixth graders.

December 9, 2019

What better way to “sell” the value of foreign language study than to have high school honor society members discuss their experiences? The teenagers recently visited Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School where they met with sixth graders preparing to submit their course requests for next year.

Huntington High School students who have mastered the Spanish, Latin, French and Italian languages and who have been inducted into the World Language Honor Society took the lead during the presentations at the STEM school.

“World language teachers and honor society students visited Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School the first week of December to help students understand the importance of studying a second language and the options that are available in Huntington,” said Judy Goris Moroff, district director of world languages, dual language and English as a new language. “This was the perfect week to shine the light on our different languages offered to students before their middle school selections are due.”

The Jack Abrams STEM Magnet School students were very attentive during the presentations and they asked many pertinent questions. All of them expressed interest in studying a second language at J. Taylor Finley Middle School as seventh graders.

According to Deep English, the many benefits of studying multiple languages include:

  1. It forces you to think deeply.
  2. Your ability to switch between tasks is increased.
  3. The brain becomes more resistant to dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  4. Memory is significantly improved.
  5. Increased creativity.
  6. Intelligence is increased.
  7. Decision-making skills are improved.
  8. Primary language skills are improved.
  9. Increased skill in other subject areas.
  10. Deeper understanding of other cultures.
  11. Increased career options.
  12. Better concentration skills.

“The high school students discussed why they choose their language and all the fun activities that they have done through the years,” Ms. Goris Moroff said.

French Honor Society members met with STEM school sixth graders
French Honor Society members met with STEM school sixth graders
French Honor Society members met with STEM school sixth graders
French Honor Society members met with STEM school sixth graders
Latin Honor Society members shared their thoughts with the STEM sixth graders.
Latin Honor Society members shared their thoughts with the STEM sixth graders.