Huntington High School's Science Honor Society chapter is seeking new members

H-ton Science Honor Society Seeks Membership Applications

Huntington High School's Science Honor Society chapter is seeking new members

September 5, 2019

The Huntington High School chapter of the National Science Honor Society is encouraging juniors and seniors to apply for membership.

Teachers Dame Forbes and Lori Kenny serve as the organization’s faculty advisors. Applications for membership are available on the district website, by visiting the classroom of either teacher or on Mrs. Forbes’ e-board, which can be accessed through the district website. Candidates are asked to carefully review the application.

Lia Shechter (president), Peyton Kalb (vice president), Abigail Semelsberger (recording secretary), Ava Waxenberg (treasurer), Abigail Holmes (tutoring coordinator), Oskar Kilgour (financial advisor) and Matthew Gennarelli (fundraising coordinator) are this year’s officers.

Membership in the organization is based upon scholarship, character and service. Students who are currently enrolled in a Regents level or higher science course and have completed two years of high school Regents level science are eligible along with any student who has demonstrated exceptional scientific talents.

Prospective members also must meet or be willing to meet the following requirements:

  • Students must have a minimum science scholarship average of 90 percent, an overall scholastic average of at least 85 percent and a minimum mathematics average of 80 percent.
  • Students must participate in at least two sustained, ongoing chapter activities above and beyond the science classroom experience. These may include but are not limited to: organized peer tutoring, participating as a member of the Science Olympiad team, fundraising activities and promoting scientific interest in the district youth through a local science fair or science club or performing research at a laboratory or university.
  • Each student must submit two faculty recommendations.
  • Students must submit their most recent transcript for grade verification from guidance along with their application.

Applicants are asked to submit a personal statement addressing the following questions: What makes you a different or unique candidate to become part of the National Science Honor Society? What visions and expectations do you have for the National Science Honor Society? How could you contribute to the success of the Huntington High School chapter of the National Science Honor Society?

Applications must be returned to either Mrs. Forbes or Mrs. Kenny by Thursday, September 26.