Washington Primary School Principal Michelle Richards is enjoying the final weeks of her first year. Earlier this week, the longtime educator presented dozens of students with awards for their work and efforts around the school.
Dr. Richards announced the recipients of May’s Washington Ways Awards and also introduced June’s Featured Artists of the Month. Art teacher Maria Mazzola joined in the festivities, presenting the student-artists with certificates and medallions.
The Washington Ways Award recipients included Eliza Alvarado, Dylan Jurow, Dayron Franco Mijangos, Riley Anderson, Ariel Uceda, Savannah Grigg, Isla Campbell, Jeremy Peraza-Diaz, Hunter Moreno, Andy Bonilla, Orlin Beteta Alfaro, Abigail Arelt, Christian Rivas-Jerez, Claire Carmody, Janelle Benitz Euceda, Anabella Rafailan and Ashlin Perez.
The entire classes of teachers Vicki Creighton, Emily Franco Meyers, Peri Alfano, Melissa Studdert, Karina Menter, Tina Baducci and Katie Kalkau were also honored with awards.
June’s Featured Artists are an impressive group of youngsters. Their artwork is currently on display in the school’s main hallway outside the cafeteria. The students have been working with art teacher Maria Mazzola.
Washington’s latest group of featured artists includes:
Kindergarten: Anthony Aparicio Cuadra, Summer Lopez Berrios, Victoria Honorato Garay, Lindsay Oh
First grade: Ariel Hopson, Abdiel Castillo Granados, Palmer Laycock, Cayden Mollica
Second grade: Daniel Rodriguez, Paige Falk, Annie Lopez Berrios, Isabella Torres Maldonado
Third grade: Jimena Cortez Lopez, Spencer Sturges, Timothy Hardge Jr.
“All of us are so very proud of our Washington Ways Award winners and are Featured Artists, too,” Dr. Richards said. “We are all striving to end the year on a high note here at Washington.”