Relay For Life is scheduled for Saturday, June 15 at Huntington High School.

Relay For Life Set for Saturday, June 15

Relay For Life is scheduled for Saturday, June 15 at Huntington High School.

June 4, 2019

The need is greater than ever as the worldwide battle against cancer in all its forms continues. The Huntington community will do its part to aid the fight when it comes together at Huntington High School for this year’s edition of Relay For Life on Saturday, June 15

The event is being chaired by Noah Morris, Meagan Malone and Katie Burton. Andy Ulloa (publicity/social media), Gigi Devoe (luminaria), Jenna Yabroudy (survivorship), Sam Roberts (entertainment) and Riva Bergman (fundraising) are handling important facets of the initiative. Several dozen students have been serving on the organizing committee.

A festive opening ceremony is planned for 6 p.m. on June 15. The always emotional “survivor’s lap” around the Blue Devil Stadium track will follow. The event will continue for the next 12 hours, concluding at daybreak on Sunday.

Entertainment, food and fun activities are planned to stretch throughout the night. Organizers hope to raise $100,000 for the American Cancer Society. As of late Sunday, more than $51,000 has already been raised.

The Huntington School Board has appointed Crystal Cass as this year’s advisor to the organizing committee. American Cancer Society representative Morgan Wright is also assisting students.

Since Huntington’s first Relay, the annual event has raised $915,000. Entering this week, 43 teams comprised of 311 members have registered for this year’s Relay For Life.

“Huntington held its first Relay For Life event in 2012,” Ms. Malone said. “Around 1,000 students and school community members participated in the event, which raised more than $130,000 for the American Cancer Society. The huge success of Huntington’s first Relay gave it the momentum it needed to run for seven consecutive years.”

Planning for the June 15-16 event began nearly a year ago. “This year’s committee, though small, is hard at work planning our eighth and final Relay for a while,” Ms. Malone said. “It is a huge task to accomplish each year, so a break is very much needed.

Huntington’s Relay committee established various subcommittees to handle raffles, sponsorship, fundraising, publicity, survivorship, luminaria and entertainment.

“Our main goals right now are gathering raffle donations and seeking students willing to perform as entertainment throughout the night,” Ms. Malone said. “If anyone has any interest in helping out, they can come to room 242 after school next Monday.”

The opening ceremony is shaping up to be very special. “I encourage everyone to attend the ceremony and stay for a while, whether you’re signed up or not,” Ms. Malone said. “It will be a great way to finish off the school year and celebrate all night.”