The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other

Interact Club Visits Washington School Leadership Team

The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other.

January 15, 2019

Huntington High School’s Interact club members recently visited Washington Primary School third grade leadership team members for a fun after-school activity.

The Interact members made a presentation focused on the theme of “choosing kindness,” which is an ongoing initiative at Washington this year. The high school delegation also discussed the qualities of good leaders and how the third grade leadership team members can help make a difference in the community.

Once all the questions had been posed and answered and all the talking had wrapped up, it was time to join together and have a little fun. The Interact group taught the elementary youngsters how to make colorful rafiki bracelets, which the third graders were able to bring home with them. (Rafiki is a Swahili word translates that means friend or friendship.)

Teachers Deborah Quiles and Vivian Joseph are Washington’s third grade leadership team faculty advisors. Students have voluntarily chosen to get involved in activities that benefit the school and local communities while simultaneously learning many of the skills and qualities all good leaders possess.

A Rotary International program for teenagers, Interact strives to carry out hands-on projects and offers members a chance to make international connections, develop leadership skills and have fun while making a positive difference in the world.

The Huntington chapter is guided by high school social studies teacher Camille Tedeschi. Natalie McCann serves as president with Noah Morris occupying the position of vice president. Mia Nitekman is the treasurer with Katie Stock serving as corresponding secretary and Phoebe Walther carrying out recording secretary duties. Katie Riley is the historian and Haley Mortell is the organization’s public relations coordinator. Jackson Pitti and Christiana DeLuca are administrative assistants.

The Interact club members and the third grade leadership team were together from 3:30-4:45 p.m. Washington teacher aide Carol Cruz stayed late to lend a hand.

The Interact club is open to any student in the high school. There are more than 12,300 Interact chapters in 133 countries. Supported by the local Rotary Club, the high school chapter’s goal is to carry out at least two service projects a year, one local and the other aiding an international organization providing assistance to those in need. Contact Ms. Tedeschi at for more information. 

Debbie Quiles and Camille Tedeschi organized the event for the Interact club and Washington third grade leadership team.
Debbie Quiles and Camille Tedeschi organized the event for the Interact club and Washington third grade leadership team.
The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other
The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other
The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other.
The Interact club members and the Washington School third graders really hit it off with each other.