Second grader Isabella Ulloa with Washington School Principal Michelle Richards

Little People Doing Big Things at Washington

Second grader Isabella Ulloa with Washington School Principal Michelle Richards

February 13, 2019

Washington Primary School students might be relatively small in size, but the youngsters are still doing really big things this year. Isabella Ulloa is one of those special kids.

A student in a class taught by Katie Kalkau and Tina Balducci, Ms. Ulloa is a highly motivated second grader who understands the importance of working hard in school. The youngster is bilingual, speaking English and Spanish with fluency and as a result of this and her desire to do well in school, she has become a mentor for other youngsters in the building.

Ms. Ulloa has helped nurture first graders studying with teachers Emily Meyers and Peri Alfano. “Isabella speaks to our students both in English and Spanish about the importance of working hard in school and doing their homework every day,” Ms. Alfano said. “She encourages the students to read and work on their math skills at home.”

Washington School’s first year principal Michelle J. Richards likes to encourage students in the building to “dream big” and set their sights high. She tells them there is nothing they can’t do if they are willing to work hard. Ms. Ulloa has taken these words to heart and she is committed to helping others, too.

“Isabella tells the students that they need to work with someone at home who can help them such as their parents, older brothers and sisters and friends,” Ms. Alfano said. “I am honored to have been Isabella’s teacher in first grade with Mrs. [Katie] Kalkau.”

Dr. Richards was so impressed by Ms. Ulloa that the pair posed for a commemorative photo together in the school’s main lobby.