The drama club's stage crew for the spring musical was a talented group of young people. (Darin Ree photo.)

Huntington High School Stage Crew Shines at Musical

The drama club's stage crew for the spring musical was a talented group of young people. (Darin Reed photo.)

April 10, 2019

They might not get their names put up in lights, but the Huntington High School stage crew plays a vital role in the annual fall and spring drama club productions. Without the group, it would be impossible to produce the type and quality of shows to which local theater-goers have grown accustomed.

From the sound, lighting and backstage tasks to set building and painting this sensational group of young people sparkled during last weekend’s musical. Obscure technical details were attended to with aplomb along with a touch of professionalism.

The stage crew is assigned a long list of responsibilities during any production, from developing a visually appealing and functional set and individually controlling dozens of auditorium lights to moving equipment back and forth between scenes and making sure the wireless sound system works effectively. There are hundreds of details to worry about on any given day, yet everyone just seems to just “go with the flow.”

The stage crew for last weekend’s musical included Andy Ulloa, Sylvia Belanger, Drew Spina, Olivia Perez, Tati Feliciano, Jasmynn Clark, Rashiem Sexton, Beth Heffernan, Christina Hornstein, Collin Garcia, Joe Tropeano, Sofia Lopez, Sophia Matheus, Jonathan Ramirez, Jack Semelsberger, Devin Green and Christopher Deveau. Glenn Deveau served as the technical director

“As the curtains closed Saturday night my eyes began to water because I just closed my eighth show with stage crew and drama club,” said Mr. Ulloa, a current senior. “It was the best show we put on. No mistakes were made and all my friends who performed on stage were on fire.”

The stage crew always works closely with Michael Schwendemann, the drama club’s faculty advisor and the director of the fall and spring productions. Every aspect of the production resembles a well-oiled machine and the stage crew plays an essential part in all of it.

“I would like to thank Mr. Schwendemann for supporting and pushing me for the last four years from my first play to the very last musical,” Mr. Ulloa said. “He has been a man I look up to and my amazing mentor. I am very proud of my stage crew. They have given so much time and effort to building, painting and programming light cues. A show like Saturday’s demonstrates why we do it all. I hope everyone enjoyed it because I know I did.”

The actors don’t doubt the critical role the stage crew plays in the ultimate success of any dramatic or musical production. Actors and stage crew members are all part of the “same big happy family” according to drama club insiders.

Huntington's stage crew is unsurpassed. (Darin Reed photo.)
Huntington's stage crew is unsurpassed. (Darin Reed photo.)
The Huntington High School stage crew at work in 1958.
The Huntington High School stage crew at work in 1958.