Final stats are in on Huntington High School's Class of 2018. (Darin Reed photo)

Final Stats in on Huntington’s Class of 2018

Final stats are in on Huntington High School's Class of 2018. (Darin Reed photo)

September 27, 2018

Huntington High School’s Class of 2018 is now in the history books. It was comprised of some of the most high-achieving graduates the district has ever seen. The alums are all off pursuing their dreams in a new phase of their lives, but they will never forget their experiences in the building they called home for four years.

Figures released this week by the district indicates 351 students earned diplomas this year, including 333 members of the Class of 2018. (The balance of graduates who completed their requirements were from an earlier cohort.)

Among the Class of 2018 graduates, 60 percent are attending four-year colleges and another 27 percent are at two-year schools. The other 13 percent of graduates are taking a “gap” year before attending college, studying in vocational or technical programs, serving in the military or working after having landed employment.

Kitty R. Klein, district director of guidance said that more than 93 percent of the Class of 2018 earned some type of Regents diploma. The group includes Regents diploma (45 percent), Regents diploma with honors (.4 percent), Advanced Regents diploma (33 percent) and Advanced Regents diploma with honors (15 percent) recipients. Six percent of graduates earned local diplomas. Less than one percent of Class of 2018 members obtained career development and occupational studies credentials.