Huntington senior Alex Wakhale.

Senior Alex Wakhale Cruises Toward Graduation

Huntington senior Alex Wakhale.

November 29, 2018

Alex Wakhale is cruising toward graduation next June. The Huntington High School senior is busy working hard in his classes, pursuing outside interests and spending as much time as he can with the friends he values the most.

One of the most well-liked members of Huntington’s Class of 2019, Mr. Wakhale moves around the high school building with ease. He can’t walk more than a few feet without someone saying hello or engaging him in a brief conversation.

Mr. Wakhale’s closest friends include Mia Breitbarth, Patrick Durand, Luke Luckow, Maire Brown, Johnny Tucker and Danielle Lamarco.

“Alex has been one of my best friends for pretty much all of high school,” Ms. Breitbarth said. “I can go to him for absolutely anything and can always count on him, especially when it comes to making me laugh. He means the world to me and I don’t know what I’m going to do without him next year.”

Mr. Wakhale’s academic schedule includes classes in Forensics, pre-Calculus, Participation in Government, Multicultural Literature and the popular new business course, Virtual Enterprise.

“I have been good friends with Alex since we went to Southdown together,” Mr. Tucker said. “He is such a good person to hang out with.”

The senior’s current year plans include continuing to participate in the Young Leaders youth development organization and “making sure to work hard in all of my courses as well as starting to prepare for college and my future,” Mr. Wakhale said.

The senior’s favorite teachers have been Gina Colica, Stacey Byrnes, Paige Tyree Furman, Suzi Biagi and Michael Schwendemann.

“Alex is one of my favorite people,” Mrs. Colica said. “I had him as a freshman and he has been visiting me ever since. Academically, he does really well when he sets his mind to something, but it is his spirit, his big heart and his personality that makes him special. He is not afraid to speak his mind and I know he is protective of the people he cares about.”

Mr. Wakhale is waiting to hear back from several colleges that he has applied to before finalizing his plans for next year. “I am looking to major in communications,” he said.

“Alex is a natural people person with a smile that lights up the room,” Mrs. Biagi said. “He has the drive to succeed at anything he puts his mind too and a heart that is open to all who need his support.”

The teenager’s long trek through Huntington UFSD began in a kindergarten classroom at Southdown Primary School and has continued unabated through high school starting as a freshman in September 2015. “It has been a long four years and I look forward to seeing what the future holds,” Mr. Wakhale said.