Finley Middle School's recent Career Cafe featured information about being a physician assistant

Finley Career Café Features Physician Assistant

Finley Middle School's recent Career Cafe featured information about being a physician assistant.

November 6, 2018

It’s never too early to start gathering information and thinking about your future. That’s the message J. Taylor Finley Middle School guidance counselors are trying to impress upon the students in the building.

This same philosophy is the impetus behind Finley’s Career Café initiative. It brings professionals from a variety of fields and backgrounds into the school’s large group instruction room (as the auditorium is known) to meet with students and discuss potential career paths during lunch periods. The sessions are organized by Finley school counselors Alison Logan and Paloma Herrera.

The most recent Career Café featured physician assistant Christina Bono sharing information about her profession. A Greenlawn resident, she works at NY Presbyterian Downtown in Manhattan.

Ms. Bono described a typical day in the life of a physician assistant. She explained the differences between a PA and other medical professionals such as nurses, nurse practitioners and medical doctors.

The visitor to Finley also discussed the relevance of classes students are currently taking, including math and science to possible careers in the medical profession. Salaries and work schedules were also explained.

Students learned about the educational background physician assistant require and the skills they need to possess. Naturally, a good grasp of biology and chemistry is a must for any type of medical professional.

“Ms. Bono also shared the great job flexibility and opportunities that were available to physician assistants,” Ms. Logan said. “Students were engaged and asked great questions. Ms. Bono did a great job.”

Interested in participating in Finley’s Career Café initiative? Send a message to either Ms. Logan ( or Ms. Herrara (

Physician assistant Christina Bono spoke to Finley Middle School students
Physician assistant Christina Bono spoke to Finley Middle School students.
Physician assistant Christina Bono spoke to Finley Middle School students
Physician assistant Christina Bono spoke to Finley Middle School students.