Lindsay Saginaw is one of the most dynamic members of Huntington High School’s Class of 2018. Whatever she touches seems to turn to gold from the robotics team to varsity girls’ volleyball and everything in between. The teenager is headed to UCLA in the fall and everyone expects her incredible run of success to continue there.
“There was no one particular component drawing me to UCLA,” Ms. Saginaw said. “Ultimately, I was between the University of Michigan and UCLA and decided on UCLA because of its location, campus and the innumerable amount of opportunities that it has to offer, whether it be through internships, study abroad programs and courses.”

Huntington High School senior Lindsay Saginaw.
The senior had her applications accepted by UCLA, University of Michigan, George Washington University, Washington University in St. Louis, University of California San Diego, University of Toronto, Binghamton University and Northeastern University.
“I am planning on majoring in political science with a minor in environmental science and Los Angeles is a hub for politics and sustainability,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I am thrilled to be residing in California, a state that has been paving the way towards greener energy sources and ecological solutions through environmental legislation. I’m hoping to become civically engaged on campus, and maybe even spend a quarter in Washington, D.C., getting real-life experience through UCLA’s UCDC program.”
Chief of business operations for Huntington Robotics in each of the past four years, Ms. Saginaw has ultimately been responsible for raising the team’s $50,000 annual budget through corporate sponsorships, fundraisers and grants.
President of Huntington’s student government
A member of the high school’s student government for four years running, Ms. Saginaw was historian of the freshman class, president of the sophomore and junior classes and currently serves as the school-wide president as a senior.
The teenager has been actively involved in a long list of student government activities, from Homecoming Day related projects to the Stuff the Bus initiative that has helped feed hundreds of hungry local residents and homeless individuals.
Ms. Saginaw played four seasons of Blue Devil volleyball and was the varsity team’s captain as a junior and senior. A member of the Chinese Culture Club since its founding three years ago, she has been inducted into the National Honor Society as well as the French, Social Studies, English and Math Honor Societies. She currently serves as the Social Studies Honor Society’s secretary. Chosen by her peers as a Natural Helper for the past three years, she has even found time to be a student representative on the Huntington UFSD’s Technology Committee since her sophomore year.
Plans to attend law school
The teenager’s senior year academic schedule includes Advanced Placement Microeconomics, AP Government & Politics, AP Literature & Composition, Honors French V, AP Environmental Science and AP Calculus AB. She has also been involved in a credit-bearing internship with the Huntington High School Alumni Association.
“I am planning on attending law school after obtaining my undergraduate degree,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I hope to found my own environmental law practice before eventually running for political office.”
Huntington faculty members have enormous respect for Ms. Saginaw. They view her as a remarkable young woman with a powerful intellect and the energy and determination to take on any project and follow it through to a successful conclusion.
“My United States History teacher and Social Studies Honor Society faculty advisor Kenneth Donovan is definitely one of my favorite teachers,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I remember walking into his classroom during my junior year thinking I was going on to study engineering or biology and Mr. Donovan saying he had one year to convince me to major in the social sciences. Clearly, he had the right idea, because AP US history and AP Government & Politics have been some of my favorite classes I have taken during my time here, and have inspired me to pursue a humanities-related degree.”
Another faculty favorite has been science teacher Nicole Cooper. “Her AP Environmental Science class has definitely motivated me to pursue environmental law,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I am planning on continuing to study French in college because of Mrs. Deidre Mayer, who I am grateful enough to have had for four years. Her energy and passion for the language is contagious and I hope to study abroad for a quarter in a French-speaking country.”
Ms. Saginaw has worked closely and well with so many high school faculty members. “Some of my other favorite teachers include Joseph Leavy, Kelly Quintero and Victoria Lombardi,” she said. “The administration has also had a profound effect on me throughout my four years. Mr. Gamal Smith, who coordinates the peer mediation program I am a part of and Mr. Rob Gilmor, the faculty advisor for Natural Helpers, have been constant sources of support and helpfulness during my high school career.”
Enjoyed exceptionally well-rounded experience.
Ms. Saginaw has enjoyed an exceptionally well-rounded high school experience. She’s been able to explore her interests and develop all sorts of skills and qualities while having fun.
“One of my favorite activities has been playing volleyball for four years,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I have forged unbreakable bonds with my teammates and Coach Lauren Visbal. Volleyball is such a fun sport and I will absolutely continue to play it next year, whether it be on the court or the beach. I’ve greatly enjoyed traveling to the FIRST World Championships twice with robotics, once to St. Louis and once to Detroit this past season. It was undoubtedly gratifying to see our hard work these past couple of years pay off and I couldn't have asked for a better close to my last and final season. Finally, traveling to the Galapagos with Ms. [Camille] Tedeschi my junior year was an unforgettable experience. The sights and wildlife were incredible and the fact that my peers were on the trip made it all the better.”
The teenager has played such an outsized role around the high school these past four years that it is hard to imagine Huntington without her when the new school year kicks off next September.
“I would sum up my high school experience by saying that I now feel prepared for the next stage of my life,” Ms. Saginaw said. “I entered the high school having no idea what I wanted to study or pursue later on and with the help of some amazing coaches, administrators, teachers and peers, I have a clear path that I want to take. There is no place like Huntington and I feel lucky to have been a part of the close-knit, spirited community that are Blue Devils. I will always remember the relationships I have formed and memories I have made here, but Huntington has equipped me well for the next part of my education.”