Principal Marsha Neville with April's Washington Ways Award recipients

Washington School is a Melting Pot

Principal Marsha Neville with April's Washington Ways Award recipients

May 24, 2018

The 400-plus students who flood into Washington Primary School every day represent an amazing array of nationalities, cultural traditions, creeds, races and personalities. The youngsters all come together in classrooms, hallways and playgrounds as Americans and proud ones at that.

Washington students love their school. Its alumni remain remarkably affectionate and loyal, too. It’s a special place, filled with special people. Everyone gets along well. Watching the youngsters mix together in the melting pot the school has always been is an awesome sight.

Once a month, teachers select one of their students as the recipient of the coveted Washington Ways Award. These are youngsters who have displayed exceptional effort and performance and have led classmates by their sterling example. Kindness, cooperation and perseverance are some of the qualities the honorees possess in abundant supply.

Principal Marsha Neville recently used the school’s public address system to announce April’s award winners. The group includes Cecelia O’Toole, Brandon de la O Romero, Daniel Castillo Granados, Matthew Rivera, Jason Campos Castillo, Samantha Jimenez-Acosta, Kellen Anderson, Yubin Ahn, Karl Lindor, Martin Ramos, Mila Cris, Sindy Velasque-Santos, Charlie Nottingham, Zara Raj, Nataly Posada, Aubrie Godin, Ninalee Davis, Warren Daniel, Jonathan Morales, Sheyli Corado and Brian Arreaga Vega.

The entire classes of Suzanne Catrini, Victoria Creighton and Susan Turner were also recognized for their fine showing throughout the month of April.

Here’s how the monthly Washington Ways program works:

White tickets are awarded weekly for good behaviors and actions in the classroom. White ticket winners are honored with special recognition in their classroom at the end of each week and their names are announced every Monday morning.

Red tickets are presented to individuals for especially good behavior outside of classrooms, including in hallways, buses, the playground and cafeteria, etc. At the end of the month, the student in each class with the greatest number of red tickets is recognized with a special certificate. Mrs. Neville announces the names of the honorees over Washington’s PA system.

Students are quite aware of the Washington Ways program and the reason it exists. They are happy to be recognized with a colorful ticket. They quickly give the ticket to their classroom teacher so a notation can be made and it can be credited to them. They love telling their parents about their recognition, too.

Entire classes can earn blue tickets for positive group behavior outside of the classroom. Blue tickets are also awarded to the two classes within the building with the most tickets overall.

May’s Featured Artists of the Month

Art teacher Maria Mazzola joined with Mrs. Neville to recognize Washington School’s Featured Artists of May. One youngster in each class was chosen to have a piece of their artwork placed on exhibit in the building’s main hallway throughout the month.

The talented artists include Annie Mendoza Virula, Behan England, Cecelia O’Toole, Ethan Martin, Isabella Ulloa, Haley Veliz Guardado, Owen McGaw, Edwin Hernandez Amaya, Jensen Argueta Hernandez, Mila Cris, Snaijder Obando Romero, Alyson Ramirez Escobar, Kalissa Simon, Dakota Respass, Avery Joynt, Reik Perez Vargas, Carlos Figueroa and Jonathan Morales Salguero.

Art teacher Maria Mazzola and Principal Marsha Neville with May's Featured Artists.
Art teacher Maria Mazzola and Principal Marsha Neville with May's Featured Artists.
Washington Primary School is a meltining pot of Americans
Washington Primary School is a meltining pot of Americans