Southdown Primary School's Science Fair award recipients.

Southdown Primary School Science Fair is Exceptional

Southdown Primary School's Science Fair award recipients.

March 22, 2018

The Southdown Primary School Science Fair produced the type of well-thought out projects you would expect from the sensational students who call the building their educational home.

Southdown students have always been trendsetters and those currently enrolled in the school are no different than their predecessors over the past 64 years.

This year’s projects were judged by Huntington UFSD Director of STEM Jill Johanson. She spent time with students, questioning them about their hypotheses and procedures and analyzing their findings.

The entire experience stretching from project conception to finish proved beneficial for students participating in the fair. The youngsters took obvious pride in their work and they collectively beamed when the presentation boards they created that summarized their respective project were put on display. Every Southdown student and more than 100 parents had a chance to visit this year’s fair.

“The fourth grade teachers and students worked so hard on their projects,” Southdown Principal Scott Oshrin said. “They learned the scientific method and had a lot of fun doing so. Congratulations on a job well done by all participants.” 

The top project submitted by Jessica Lee will advance to the Brookhaven National Lab’s annual elementary science fair slated for Saturday, May 5 in Upton.

This year’s Southdown honorees include:

Overall Outstanding Project
Jessica Lee
Individual Class Honorees
Teacher: Tiffanie Kelly
1. Sage Cicciari
2. Dana Saramango
Teacher: Kimberly Myers-Bender
1. Henry Stein
2. Jack Kammenstein
Teacher: Soraya Triessl
1. Emma Polinsky
2. Jaipreet Singh