
Trustees Appoint HHS Club Faculty Advisors

Huntington High School club advisors have been appointed. (Darin Reed photo.)

July 11, 2018

Huntington High School’s after school club program will be fully staffed when classes resume on September 5. Faculty advisors have been formally appointed by Huntington School Board members. Each one of the organizations are planning a full slate of activities during the 2018/19 school year.

Hundreds of students participate in the clubs. Class advisors have also been put in place to work with executive board members for each of the high school’s four grade levels. Academic honor society advisors were also named.

David Moriarty and Danielle Lusardi Raguzin have been appointed to serve as faculty advisors to both the Student Government and the Class of 2019. Longtime high school Student Government advisors Fred Bisogno and Anthony Troffa stepped aside at the end of June.

Trustees appointed teachers Suzie Biagi (A World of Difference and Grandfriends), Camille DeCanio (A World of Difference and Grandfriends), Kenneth Donovan (Social Studies Honor Society), Lauren Desiderio (Social Issues/History Day), Donna Nugent (Class of 2022), Patricia Avelli (Class of 2022 and National Honor Society), Amelia Saggese (Class of 2021), Jordan Schessler (2021), Kristin Fortunato (Class of 2020 and Italian Honor Society), Paige Furman (Class of 2020 and Career Internship), Paul Caleca (Career Internship), Dianna Molenko (Et Cetera), Deidre Mayer (French Honor Society), Nicole Cooper (Gay-Straight Alliance), Robert Gilmor III (Habitat for Humanity and Natural Helpers), Camille Tedeschi (Interact), Natalia Kopshti (Latin Honor Society), Gina Colica (Key Club) and Kelly Kaiser (Key Club).

Monica Racz (Math Honor Society), Keith Mattis (Math Honor Society and Mathletes 10-12), Amanda Scott (Mathletes 9), Cindy Espejo-McGivney (Mathletes 9), Tara Fisher (National Honor Society), Edward Florea (Dispatch), Steven Kroll (Dispatch), Dame Forbes (Science Honor Society), Lori Kenny (Science Honor Society and Science Research), Nadine Aaroz (Spanish Honor Society), Maria Gonzalez (Spanish Honor Society), Youlanda Carey (Step team), Jessica Harris (Highsteppers), Brian Stellato (Tri-M Music Honor Society), Michael Schwendemann (Drama Club) and Elizabeth Casazza (Huntingtonian yearbook) were also appointed by trustees.

Trustees also approved as faculty advisors Deborah Beck (Environmental Club), Sarah Buchalter (Mock Trial), Brian Reynolds (Robotics), Omar Santiago (Robotics), Glenn Deveau (Stage Crew) and Rosario Lorenzana (United Amigos).

Principal Brenden Cusack said every student is encouraged to participate in the after school club program.