Southdown Primary School is the midst of a special week emphasizing kindness. It’s an important initiative so care was taken introducing it to students during a recent Splash Award assembly in the gym.
Monday: Oceans of Kindness Day – Wear blue
Tuesday: Dream of Kindness Day – Pajama day
Wednesday: Crazy for Kindness Day – Crazy sock or hat day
Thursday: Tied Together with Kindness – Wear a tie or a tie-dye shirt
Friday: Team Kindness Day – Wear your favorite sports team apparel
“Last Friday’s Splash Assembly highlighted acts of kindness that students can perform during the holiday season and beyond,” Principal Scott Oshrin said.

Southdown School Splash Award recipients with Principal Scott Oshrin.
Southdown’s “kindness tree” is on display outside the school cafeteria. Students are able to list one act of kindness they performed and display it on the tree. A holiday toy drive is also underway and it will run through December 12. Items collected will be donated to the Family Service League.
Classroom teachers have been given a variety of kindness activities they can complete with their students. “The activities will vary based on grade level,” Mr. Oshrin said. “Examples of kindness will be displayed on bulletin boards outside of classrooms and throughout the school.”
Southdown is the home of the dolphins, the school’s mascot. Students are awarded “splashes” for displaying positive behavior in the classroom and all around the building, including being kind to others, demonstrating proper behavior in hallways and even boosting the spirits of someone feeling a little down.
One Southdown student is selected from each class in the building for formal recognition at the monthly “splash” assembly. The school considers these youngsters to be its “stars of the month.”
November’s Splash Award recipients include:
Kindergarten: Cambria Baratti, Dante Gaiso, Amira Ingram, Juliana Araujo Hernandez, Anthony Aviles
First grade: Brady Oliva, Katherine Gooch, Luis Ibarra Zelaya
Second grade: Charles Mendreski, Xavi Cruz Guevara, Harrison Jennings
Third grade: Quinn Fehrenbacher, Clive Polinsky, Trevellyan “TJ” Peters, Rocco Caruso, Justin Escobar Rivas
Southdown food service worker Wanda Aviles was also recognized for her outstanding efforts on behalf of the building’s students.
“Everyone at Southdown is proud of our award recipients,” Mr. Oshrin said.