Glen and Anne Manaker flank Christina Nigro at the awards ceremony

Christina Nigro Captures Joseph Manaker Memorial Award

Glen and Anne Manaker flank Christina Nigro at the awards ceremony.

August 6, 2018

Joseph Manaker was a bighearted young man. His larger than life personality was well known around Huntington High School. Teachers and classmates liked him and he always managed to bring a smile to someone’s face.

When Mr. Manaker passed away last December it was a sad day for everyone around the high school. The 16 year old left behind many friends and fans. He will always be remembered for brightening up Huntington’s classrooms and hallways.

The Joseph Manaker Memorial Award was recently presented for the first time to a member of Huntington’s Class of 2018 by Mr. Manaker’s parents, Glen and Anne. The pair stood on the high school’s auditorium stage at Huntington’s senior academic awards ceremony and shared with a crowd of 300 a little bit about their son and about graduating senior Christina Nigro, who is the Manaker Award’s first recipient.

An exceptional young woman with an established record of achievement across every academic discipline, the arts and athletics, Ms. Nigro plans to attend University of Redlands in California and study international relations and business.

Huntington's Joseph Manaker was beloved by many.
Huntington's Joseph Manaker
was beloved by many.

Just like Joey Manaker, folks of all ages enjoy being in Ms. Nigro’s company. Mr. and Mrs. Manaker presented the teenager with a $1,600 award and a gift bag.

“I feel honored to be the first recipient of the Manaker scholarship,” Ms. Nigro said. “I will use this award as a constant reminder to live in the present, take chances and make people laugh!”

Ms. Nigro has been busy this summer. She traveled to Athens, Greece and has worked as a babysitter. She leaves for college on August 21.

Named a Distinguished Senior after compiling a spectacular academic grade average throughout every semester of high school, Ms. Nigro started her own clothing line and sells shirts to stores around Long Island.

A standout young photography whose work was selected for display at High Arts Showcase XIV at Main Street Gallery, Ms. Nigro was also an outstanding competitor with the Blue Devil varsity cross country and winter track and field teams.

An active participant in the high school club program, Ms. Nigro has been a positive contributor to every organization she belonged to over the past four years.

As she prepares to leave her hometown for the west coast, Ms. Nigro can rest assured that she leaves behind an indelible mark at Huntington High School and the respect of its faculty club advisors and athletic coaches.