Flower Hill Principal Lucia Laguarda with students at last Friday night's dance.

Flower Hill PTA’s VIP Dance is Magical

Flower Hill Principal Lucia Laguarda with students at last Friday night's dance.

April 19, 2018

Flower Hill Primary School has always been a special place and it still is today. Over the years the building has housed various configurations of grades, but regardless of their ages, the students have always been eager, inquisitive and intelligent. The youngsters have also always liked to have a good time.

The energetic crowd made the dance a real hit.
The energetic crowd made the dance a real hit.

Sponsored by the school’s PTA, Flower Hill’s VIP Dance late last week was a magical evening for the crowd of nearly 200 that turned out for the affair. The VIPs included parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, friends – you name it. The event was coordinated by Keri Harris, Vincenza Leotta and Laura Palacios.

“The school was full of very important adults to all of our very special Flower Hill Foxes,” Principal Lucia Laguarda said. “All of our children were encouraged to bring a very special person to them to come to the dance. There were special crafts, refreshments and a very fun DJ to bring fun music to all.  Many students and special adults were dressed up and everyone had a great time.”

If photos could speak the ones snapped at the dance would tell the tale of just what an enjoyable night it really was at Flower Hill. The fancy outfits, the sparkle in the eyes of the kids and adults; well, it’s clear that no one will forget the dance anytime soon.

The crowd took delight in walking on the red carpet, which was rolled out for the evening’s attendees. There was some dancing, laughing and comparing of outfits. Oh, yes, everyone came dressed to impress.

“Everyone had a fabulous evening,” one parent said. It was a sentiment that no one was heard disagreeing with.

The Flower Hill PTA’s executive board includes Tara Poli (president), Kerri Beatty (co-vice president), Heather Goldman (co-vice president), Anne Poli (corresponding secretary), Melissa Argaman (recording secretary), Kerri Malone (treasurer) and PTA Council delegate Noel Meystrik.

Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress. .
Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress.
Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress.
Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress.
Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress.
Flower Hill's VIP Dance drew a crowd dressed to impress.
The dance floor was filled last Friday night.
The dance floor was filled last Friday night.