The Associated Teachers of Huntington has long been a staple around the Huntington School District community. The professional organization of teachers today has about 415 faculty members in its ranks.
Widely known by the acronym ATH, the Associated Teachers of Huntington was founded in 1933 as a social group. For many decades it included all state certificated teachers and administrators, including the superintendent of schools, principals and elementary, junior high school and high school faculty members.
“Shortly after its founding, the ATH expanded its original social purpose to become an all-around professional organization and today is concerned with ethical, financial, welfare, educational and social affairs,” according to a short profile published in 1953 on the occasion of the Town of Huntington’s 300th anniversary.
Huntington social studies teacher
James Graber is the ATH's president.
“To many townspeople the Associated Teachers of Huntington is known for its scholarship activities on behalf of Simpson High School graduates who plan to enter teaching,” states that 1953 profile of the organization. “Two highly successful stage productions in the past two years enable the teachers to present scholarships of $400 annually. This year, a Future Teachers of America group also has been launched by high school seniors under the Association’s sponsorship.”
Huntington High School social studies teacher James Graber is the ATH’s current president. The organization is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, New York State United Teachers and the AFL-CIO.
The ATH had 179 teacher members at the time of the 1953 profile. Today is has more than twice as many faculty members in its ranks.
“The Associated Teachers of Huntington is a member of the Chamber of Commerce; is sponsoring its third evening study course within two years; works with the Board of Education on policies affecting professional personnel and in promoting American Education Week; assists the Service League; and in alternate years maintains a speaker’s bureau to work with town organizations in presenting information about our schools. The Association meets monthly at one of the seven district schools for a social or professional meeting,” according to the 1953 profile.
The ATH is still going strong 84 years after it was founded. The organization negotiates the collective bargaining agreement that the district’s teachers work under. It reaches out into the community through several annual initiatives.