Interact club

HHS Interact Club Organizes for New Year

Huntington High School has a new Interact club.

June 9, 2017

They’re gearing up to continue making a difference in the community and around the world. Huntington High School’s Interact Club is organizing for the 2017/18 school year, putting a new executive board in place and planning the initiatives it wants to pursue.

Natalie McCann and Quinn Blackburn will serve as co-presidents with Noah Morris filling the position of vice president. Mia Nitekman will be the treasurer with Katie Stock serving as corresponding secretary and Phoebe Walther carrying out recording secretary duties. Katie Riley will be the historian and Haley Mortell will serve as the organization’s public relations coordinator. Jackson Pitti and Christiana DeLuca are slated to be administrative assistants.

A Rotary International program for teenagers, Interact strives to carry out hands-on projects and offers members a chance to make international connections, develop leadership skills and have fun while making a positive difference in the world.

Camille Tedeschi
Huntington social studies teacher
Camille Tedeschi is the Interact club advisor.

The Huntington club is open to any student in the building. There are more than 12,300 Interact chapters in 133 countries. Supported by the local Rotary Club, the high school chapter’s goal is to carry out at least two service projects a year, one local and the other aiding an international organization providing assistance to those in need.

“Working with Interact was very exciting this year,” faculty advisor Camille Tedeschi said. “We were busy with a variety of projects locally and globally. We love working with the Rotary and enjoy when they attend our meetings. Some of my favorite projects included working with the leadership kids at Washington Primary School and anything we did for our local veterans.”

Huntington Interact will also continue participating in the WE initiative. “WE is a movement that exists for one reason: to make the world a better place,” according to the organization. “We are shameless idealists who believe that there is a version of our highest selves that comes from living a life of daily legacies. Our lives take on a deeper, transformative meaning when we impact the lives of others. I am WE.”

Current Huntington senior Amanda LoScalzo helped resurrect the long dormant high school club two years and it has taken off with an energetic group of teenagers working with Ms. Tedeschi on some ambitious projects.

“Next year will continue to be interesting as we prepare for a WE Day event on September 20 at Madison Square Garden and continue to work in our community and communities abroad,” Ms. Tedeschi said. “The officers hope to travel to India to continue service learning and empowering young girls to get an education.”

Contact Ms. Tedeschi ( for more information about the Huntington High School Interact Club chapter.

Quinn Blackburn
Huntington junior Quinn Blackburn will be Interact's co-president in 2017-18.
Natalie McCann
Huntington sophomore Natalie McCann will be Interact's co-president in 2017-18.