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HHS NHS Chapter Induction Process Begins

The Nathan Hale chapter of the National Honor Society at Huntington High School has launched the selection process for the 2014/15 class.

Dozens of students are being invited to apply for membership based upon their respective academic record. “The purpose of the National Honor Society, a community service organization, is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to develop character in the students of secondary schools,” said Joseph Cohen, a Huntington science teacher who serves as the NHS faculty advisor. 

“The four areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character are the four criteria upon which the selection of an individual is based,” Mr. Cohen said. The application process begins with a candidate downloading a membership selection packet from either the NHS e-Board or the Huntington School District’s website.

To locate the application packet on the NHS e-Board, visit the district website at www.hufsd.edu and go to the Quick Click Bar on the homepage and select e-Boards; scroll down to the “Other” section and select National Honor Society and then click on the Membership Selection tab or click on this link www.nationalhonorsociety.huntington.site.eboard.com and then click on Membership Selection. You can also visit the district website, click on the tab for Schools and then on Huntington High School and then on Forms & Files. A variety of NHS forms are posted.

Membership applications must be typed, completely filled-out completely and returned to Mr. Cohen in room 144 by 3 p.m. on Friday, October 10.

Mr. Cohen said the following items should be considered by all students as the complete the application packet:

• Visit www.nationalhonorsociety.Huntington.site.eboard.com to download the application template.
• If you are unsure whether an activity/organization is considered community service, “put it down anyway,” Mr. Cohen said.
• You must provide names and phone numbers of contacts for your community service activities.
• Be specific when describing dates and details of activities (use extra space if necessary.)
• Indicate whether a service activity was of a volunteer nature or required (i.e. for course credit, grade requirement.)
• Give the recommending parties (teachers, community members, etc.) ample time to complete the recommendation form. Choose those who know you best and who can attest to your leadership qualities.
• The three recommendations must be in a sealed envelope with a signature across the seal.
• In your personal statement, please write about areas other than academics; you have already met the 90 percent scholarship criteria. You can include articles, photos, etc.
• Late or incomplete packets will not be considered for selection.
• Be truthful on your application!  If you put false information in the packet, you will not be considered for membership.

Mr. Cohen held a meeting for students with questions about the membership application and selection process last Friday afternoon in the School Heritage Museum.

“After handing in the selection packet, faculty members are given the opportunity to provide information relative to an applicant’s character, leadership, and service,” Mr. Cohen said. “I collect this information and it is then presented to the Faculty Council Membership Selection Committee. This committee, comprised of faculty members appointed by the principal, evaluates each candidate based on the selection criteria and the information that you, your sponsors, and faculty members have supplied. The identities of the committee members remain confidential, as do all aspects of the committee meetings and all information related to your candidacy.”

Students will be notified by mail concerning the outcome of their membership application. Juniors can reapply next year as seniors.

This year’s induction ceremony is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18 at 7 p.m. in the Huntington High School auditorium.

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