HHS PTSA Establishes New Scholarship
The Huntington High School Parent-Teacher-Student Assn. plans to offer a new scholarship this year. The organization will present a pair of graduating seniors will $500 awards as part of the group’s Don’t Text and Drive; It Can Wait initiative that encourages teenage drivers to refrain from diverting their attention while driving.
The new scholarship awards are being offered in cooperation with Huntington Chevrolet and Affinity Health Plan. They will be presented at the high school’s senior academic awards night on Wednesday, June 11 at 7 p.m. The new scholarship awards are in addition to the three PTSA scholarships that are traditionally presented each year.
“The support and generosity shown when it came to this particular topic has been enormous and we are thrilled to be able to offer financial help to a graduating senior who spreads the message of ‘don’t text and drive’ by both words and actions,” said Alice Marie Rorke, the PTSA’s president.
An application for the scholarship is posted on the Huntington School District’s website at www.hufsd.edu. Go to the link for School Community and then select PTA Council and then the link for the Huntington High School PTA. Applications are also available in the high school guidance office.
Seniors may submit either an essay (1,000 words or less) or a video (three-to-five minutes in length) that promotes the slogan “It Can Wait.”
Submissions will be judged according to the following criteria:
• Was the message “It can wait” and “Don’t text and drive” clear and well thought out?
• What will the applicant do to help relay the message to his/her peers, family and community?
• What will the applicant do beyond high school (at the college level or workplace) to help spread the “It Can Wait” message to others?
Scholarship recipients will be given a check made payable to the college or vocational school they will be attending in the fall.