A Tradition of Excellence since 1657

Jefferson Primary School November Spot Award Honorees

The Jefferson Jaguars’ school community likes to “spot” its students for demonstrating they are safe, responsible and respectful. Similar to the spots on a jaguar, the Jefferson Spot Award program makes a statement.

“Each month we continue to award medals and certificates during a ‘spot’ assembly to students who demonstrate their ability to be safe, responsible and respectful citizens,” Jefferson Principal Valerie Capitulo-Saide said. “As Jefferson Jaguars, we ‘spot’ our students when they exhibit those characteristics.” 

The Jefferson School community focused on a new traffic light speaking zones initiative during November. “The red represents silent, the yellow represents quiet working and the green represents quiet socialization,” Ms. Capitulo-Saide explained. “During daily morning announcements, fourth grade students have provided helpful tips that the students can put into action.” 

Some examples of the tips provided include:

• The red zone is silent; silent hands, silent mouths, silent listening.
• Yellow zone is a whisper voice. A whisper voice means only your partners or group can hear you. It’s like you are trying to tell a secret.
• An example of a green zone is the cafeteria. You are talking with your friends using your inside voice.

November SPOT Award recipients include:


Elijah Harewood, Christopher Ortega-Menjivar, Yulisa Canas Ulloa, Jason Quintanilla Villalobos, Katey Serrano Licona, Steven Contreras Moreira, Alison Hahn, Logan Miller, Charlie Stanforth, Jordan McClary

First Grade

Grayson Dunn, Andrew Ochoa, Nolvia Redondo, Johanna Rodriguez Hernandez,  Jeffrey Murillo Ramirez, Austin Krywak, Giselle Salmeron, Zain Amin, Genesis Araujo Amaya, Angelina Hernandez, Lily Hotine, Jerson Contreras Moreira, Jordan Thorbourne, Adrian White

Second Grade

Jenna Italiano, Katerin Garcia Maldonado, Anshi Paul, Ricardo Suazo Mejia, Jose Davila Chitay, Jack Hotine, Madeline Francis, Ashley Alay, Geovanny Iglesias, Jaslyn Pineda, Jordin Aguilar Chavez, Katy DeBellis

Third Grade

Izabella Gomez, Keiry Palma, Nicole Villalobos Flores, JoAnna Chavez, Brayan Santos, Jacklyn Valerio, Jessica Oliva, Landry Flynn, Jose Villatoro, Natalia Hernandez

Fourth Grade

Christian Suazo Mejia, Annabell Young, Emily Cruz, Olivia Agosti, Emma Rosales, Julia Danseglio, Andre Chambers

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