Washington Science Fair Projects
are Ingenious
This year's Washington Primary School Science Fair was a rousing success. Dozens of students submitted projects along with individual class projects on each grade level.
The fair utilized half of the school gym and included long tables on which project presentation boards and related items were placed. The projects covered a variety of subjects and including some rather ingenious experiments.
Classes toured the fair during the school day and parents and family members were welcomed to the school for an hour-long display at night. Dozens of parents took time to study each project. Many students were on hand to discuss their work and answer questions.
"The projects were excellent," Principal Marsha Neville said. "Our students worked hard and their efforts paid off. The projects were interesting and informative and they were presented in an attractive manner."
The process starts weeks prior to the fair as students discuss their ideas with their parents and teachers. Participants receive an information packet from school with ideas, guidelines, and – most importantly for older students – an explanation of the scientific method; a prescribed set of steps used by scientists to conduct valid experiments. They receive reminders and inspiration at school, but the majority of the work happens at home.
Teachers and parents both commented on how well done the projects were and the attractiveness of each presentation. The first place individual student winners qualified for the annual Brookhaven National Laboratory Elementary Science Fair this spring.
Final results for each grade level include:
1. Parker Hepworth – Length of Batman's Shadow
2. Michaela Dopico – Distance Run/Distance Jumped
3. Griffin Kanzer – What Melts Ice Faster?
1st Grade
1. Kayleigh Bender – Here Doggy, Doggy!
2. Matthew Levine – Paper Airplanes
3. Dominic Roldan – Bouncy Egg
2nd Grade
1. Timothy Kusterbeck – Backyard Mars
2. Sarah Krisch – Scooter Push
3. Vincent Grassi – Does Height Determines Hand Size
3rd Grade
1. Henry Stein – Distracted Driving
2. Brianna Quesquen – How Much of an Apple is Water?
3. Emily Plachta – Growing Crystals
4th Grade
1. Ethan McGuinness – Follow the Bouncing Ball
2. Thomas Fucci– Mixed Up Words
3. Martin Maxim – Cricket Chirps