Huntington School Briefs
Just a year into its existence and the Huntington High School Special Olympics floor hockey team is already a force to be reckoned with. The squad won a gold medal at the Southside Invitational Floor Hockey Tournament earlier this month.
To illustrate just far Huntington has come in the past year, the finished last in the Southside Invitational last year. The team's next tournament will come on January 26 in Yonkers. "The team is also focusing on snow shoeing as the next sport," said Linda Roth, one of the Huntington coaches. Chris Hender and Glenn Manaker are also members of the coaching staff.
AP Popularity Requires New Site
The popularity of AP exams with Huntington High School students has led the district to schedule three separate test administration dates at Jack Abrams School. The district had been administering all of the exams at the Huntington Public Library on Main Street, but so many students have indicated they plan to take one or more of the tests in the spring that the library cannot accommodate all of the exam administrations.
A total of 343 students have indicated they plan to take 832 AP exams this year, or about 200 more than last year, according to Kitty R. Klein, director of guidance K-12. The final number of AP tests could still grow.
The district intends to administer the AP English Literature exam to 126 12th graders on May 9; the AP US History exam to 91 11th graders on May 15; and the AP Micro-Economics exam to 86 12th graders on May 16.
HHS Brass Ensemble Entertains
A group of Huntington High School band students entertained the crowd prior to last week's Huntington School Board meeting, which was held in the Jack Abrams School auditorium. The musicians included trumpeters Jonathan Engle and Jonathan Wood, Matthew Rosenbauer on horn, Matthew Beeby on trombone, Michael Stafford on baritone horn and Brian McConnell on tuba.
The music delighted the meeting's attendees, including several reporters who were sitting in the front row. Trustees and the audience gave the high school musicians a loud round of applause when the group ended its performance.
Retirees Meet for Holiday Party
More than two dozen retired Huntington School District employees recently met for a holiday party. Members of the group renewed old acquaintances and enjoyed each other's company for several hours.
While some of the retirees only recently left their full-time positions, others have been retired for many years, with one leaving her post in 1991. Reports indicate that a good time was had by all.
New Woodhull Music Teacher
Ryan Walter has been hired to work as a long-term part-time substitute music teacher at Woodhull Intermediate School, where he will serve through the end of the school year. He earned a BA in music education in May 2011 at SUNY Fredonia.
Mr. Walter completed his student teaching requirements in the Middle Country School District and has taught elementary orchestra and music theory in Wantagh.
Huntington School District officials reviewed seven applications and conducted four personal interviews prior to recommending Mr. Walter for appointment.
Dancers' Field Trip Approved
Huntington School Board members have approved a field trip for the Huntington Highsteppers, the high school's competitive dance team. The traveling party on the trip to Orlando, Florida will include coaches Allison Greenstein and Samantha Natallelo, five parent chaperones and 20 high school dance team members.
The Highsteppers will be participating in the National Dance Alliance's national competition. Several Long Island high school teams are also expected to attend the event. The Huntington contingent will depart JFK International Airport on Friday, March 8 and return Monday, March 11.
The Highsteppers hold two-hour practice sessions four days a week from September through March. Many team members also participate in an optional summer camp as well as dance and gymnastics classes. The team is currently fundraising to cover costs associated with the trip to the national dance competition.
Next BOE Meeting
The Huntington School Board will hold its next meeting on Monday, January 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the Jack Abrams School auditorium. The public is invited to attend and will be given an opportunity to address the seven trustees.