Huntington Booster Club Readies for Membership Drive
The Huntington Booster Club is hoping to register as many parents, alumni and supporters as it can over the coming weeks. The group, which supports Blue Devil athletics, is in the midst of a membership drive.
The annual family Booster Club membership fee is $20. Checks made payable to Huntington Booster Club, Inc., can be sent to the club at P.O. 2294, Huntington, New York 11743. (Include name, address, phone number, e-mail address.) Membership does not require volunteering in any capacity. However, members are always welcome to become involved in the organization and participate in a way their personal schedules will allow.
A membership form can be downloaded from the Huntington School District's website ( Click on the School Community link and then click on the Booster Club link to find the form.
This year's Huntington Booster Club officers include Barbara Cutrone (president), Bill Hughes (vice-president), Denise Goldsmith (treasurer), Carol Scully (alumni coordinator), Christina Plant (Finley rep), Christine Beck (corresponding secretary), Pam Reilly (fundraising coordinator), Jodi Biernacki (recording secretary) and Tim Pillion (high school rep).
The Booster Club works to promote and encourage sports for students, provide financial support for scholarships, purchase needed equipment, sponsor summer sports programs and provide refreshments at athletic events and sports awards nights.
The Booster Club is hosting a fundraising golf outing and dinner on in honor of its membership on the fifth anniversary of the club's reformulation Wednesday, October 15 at Crab Meadow Golf Course. An event flyer containing details is also available on the School Community/Booster Club pages of the Huntington School District website.
Those interested in volunteering at Booster Club activities are encouraged to contact Jodi Biernacki at For more information about the Booster Club contact Mrs. Cutrone at