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Seniors Win Prizes in Huntington Camera Club Contest

A pair of Huntington High School seniors earned prizes in this year's prestigious Huntington Camera Club competition. The duo was honored during the 21st annual awards ceremony held last week at the Huntington Public Library.

Sandra Duarte and Tyler Moore captured first and second place, respectively, in the motion category of the contest. Ms. Duarte also won the Martin Kaufman Best-in-Show Award.

"I am so proud of both Sandra and Tyler for their accomplishment," said Pam Piffard, an art teacher who heads the Huntington High School photography program. "There were over 900 prints submitted into the competition. The work submitted from the schools was amazing. It was so wonderful for Sandra to win the grand prize!"

Ms. Duarte, who is headed to Adelphi University in the fall to study biology and who hopes to become a doctor, earned a $200 cash award along with a Nikon D3100 DSLR camera and lens kit, Epson R1400 printer and a $50 gift certificate to Cameta Camera.

Mr. Moore, who will attend the University of Delaware and study music, was presented with a $100 cash award and a handsome book on photography.

Photography students from 11 Long Island high schools submitted entries in the competition. A panel of judges reviewed every image with an eye on their technical aspects and creativity as well as their ability to fit the category in which they were entered.

Nikon, Inc. has returned to the fold as a major sponsor of the contest, donating equipment, books and educational materials, which were awarded as prizes.

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