A Tradition of Excellence since 1657

HHS College Application Week Deemed a Success

There was plenty for students to pick and choose from during Huntington High School’s College Application Week, which ran from October 26-30. Guidance department officials are pleased with how the first year initiative unfolded.

“College Application Week is a national initiative to ensure that every graduating high school senior has the opportunity to successfully apply to at least one postsecondary educational institution,” said Kitty R. Klein, district director of guidance and testing.”

Ms. Klein and her team of school counselors worked hard to provide Huntington students with meaningful activities and pertinent information to assist the teenagers as they navigate through the college application process.

“It was a huge success,” Ms. Klein said. “We are very pleased.” Discussions have already taken place concerning next year’s event.

The initiative kicked off last Monday with a visit from Victoria Daza of Long Island Jobs with Justice. She met first generation American Huntington students in the School Heritage Museum room during lunch periods to discuss the college application and financial aid processes.

Tuesday brought William Clyde to Huntington High School. The director of LIU-Post’s Higher Education Opportunity Program, Mr. Clyde met with students in the School Heritage Museum room during lunch periods and discussed the LIU’s HEOP, including financial and academic support that is available.

Theresa Saladino, Suffolk Community College’s director of admissions visited last Wednesday, meeting with students to provide information about the admission process, placement testing, financial aid and transfer opportunities. Ms. Saladino also provided an onsite application review in the School Heritage Museum room.

On Thursday, it was St. Joseph College’s Adriana Silva’s turn to come to the high school and discuss higher education opportunities, scholarships and financial aid, with a special focus on the concerns of first generation students.

School counselors staffed the computer labs during lunch periods from Monday through Thursday to assist students in registering for the SATs, ACTs, and submitting college applications.

Many Huntington students traveled to Dowling University last Friday for a diversity summit. English as a New Language students and first generation upperclassmen participated in on-campus workshops, including ones on financial aid, college admissibility and entrance exams and criteria. Participants also met with Dowling College faculty members and students.

As the week wrapped up, Ms. Klein and her team of counselors were brimming with ideas for next year’s initiative.

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