Swan Takes Huntington’s Computer Arts to the Top
Heather Swan is intense when it comes to her craft. The Huntington High School computer arts teacher is at the top of her game and has been relentless in developing a program that is envied by schools across the state.
Mrs. Swan studied fine art at the University of Southern California and in London before graduating from Long Island University – C.W. Post College. “My love of technology and the arts began as a freshman in college when I received my first computer with Photoshop installed on it,” she said.
After receiving a master’s degree in communication arts from New York Institute of Technology, Mrs. Swan went to work as the creative director at a Manhattan-based web firm. She went on to attend the Vancouver Film School and later pursued a career in computer animation.
A teaching career beckoned after several years in the graphics design and animation industry. She earned a second master’s degree, this time in art education from Hofstra University. “When a position as a computer arts teacher was presented to me, I was thrilled to be able to utilize all of my previous skills,” Mrs. Swan said.
In September 2006, she kicked-off her career as a Huntington High School faculty member. “I have been teaching three levels of video, cartooning and animation and media arts classes, as well as running the after-school video club that includes the production of the school newscast,” Mrs. Swan said. “Our video students have excelled in the program and in the past three years we have had 16 students recognized 38 times in various film festivals.”
Huntington’s video students have been creating some remarkable work and thanks to a generous grant from the Huntington Foundation and support from the school district, the high school now has a cutting edge, state-of-the-art Mac lab, giving the program an even bigger boost.
It would be hard to find a teacher anywhere with more enthusiasm than Heather Swan. The new Mac lab has heightened the excitement of the students, too. “Our future is filled with endless possibilities,” gushed Mrs. Swan about Huntington’s video initiative. “I am constantly looking for ways to get students excited about learning and technology seems to be an easy in. I am always taking classes and trying to keep up with the evolution of technology. The video program at our school continues to impress industry professionals.”
Always striving to improve the educational experience for her students, Mrs. Swan is working to update the current cartooning and animation class to transform it into a computer animation course, encompassing 2D and 3D animation. “Students will learn how to use Maya, which is widely used in the industry for animated feature films,” she said. “These classes are challenging and appeal to a smaller group of learners, but in no way does this minimize the importance of offering this type of class.”
Huntington’s art teachers have a knack for developing a loyal following for their courses. The department’s annual art show never fails to oohs and ahs at the remarkable quality of student work. Giving students an opportunity express themselves and exercise and refine their talents is at the heart of what the district hopes to accomplish.
“These computer arts classes keep our students on the cutting edge of modern technology and open up another realm of career opportunities to assist them in their future,” Mrs. Swan said.
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