Washington Meet the Teacher Night Sees a Parent Throng
Parents struggled to fit their adult bodies into chairs designed for youngsters at Washington Primary School’s Meet the Teacher night. About 400 parents turned out for the annual event, touring the facility and listening to various presentations about the programs and services available to students spread over grades kindergarten through third grade.
“The turnout was amazing,” Washington Principal Marsha Neville said. “I couldn’t believe how crowded it was.” Teachers prepared 20-minute presentations in their classrooms, providing an overview of their plans for the year.
The classroom presentations were preceded by a large group gathering in the gymnasium that saw Mrs. Neville explain a handful of important school rules. Representatives from the PTA, Special Education PTA and Huntington Foundation for Excellence in Education also spoke briefly about their activities.
The same night that Washington Primary School hosted parents, Flower Hill Primary School did as well, with a crowd of hundreds jamming into that building, which sparkled as enthusiastic teachers discussed their curriculums and programs.
At Washington, many parents lingered in classrooms well after formal presentations ended, and spoke with teachers about every topic imaginable. “It’s nice to meet parents so early in the year,” said Debbie Quiles, a third grade teacher at the school. The veteran faculty member saw a standing room only crowd in her classroom.
Parents chatted in hallways with each other and even Superintendent John J. Finello stopped by to say hello. Mr. Finello served for many years as Washington’s principal before moving to the district office. The PTA signed up dozens of new members in the school cafeteria where the group offered parents refreshments.
“It was a very nice evening,” said Joan Balsari, a second grade teacher. “It’s encouraging that so many parents are this interested in the school and what their children are learning and the people they are interacting with each day. Washington has already had a great deal of parent involvement. That’s one of the things that make the school so special.”
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